
Access to Health Care Services

Care Navigation

Our Team of Receptionists are here to help. They will often ask questions about why you need an appointment or details about the problems you are having. This is because they have knowledge of all the services available for patients and may be able to direct you to a more appropriate person which may also be quicker for you to be assesed or seen. 


Our Team of Doctors and Nurses are offering both Telephone and Face-to-Face appointments.

Appointments are available by phoning 01642 561282, alternatively appointments can be booked via the reception desk at the surgery.

You can now access the E-Consult service via the link further down the home page. This allows you to submit a query online for review by the GP, Nurse or Admin Team who will aim to respond to you within 48 hours. 


Did you know you can also access other health care appointments (including nurse and GP) on weekends and evenings?

These are offered via HASH (Hartlepool and Stockton Health) and Billingham & Norton PCN (Primary Care Network). They include

appointments with First Contact Practitioners (Physio), Mental Health Practitioners and social care prescribers. Some of these appoitments are also available on evenings and weekends.


Have you considered a local Pharmacy for advice or treatment?

You can speak to your local Pharmacist for advice and treatment for conditions such as

Bites and stings, Chickenpox, Cold sores, Cold or flu, Conjunctivitis, Ear ache, Sinusitis, Diarrhoea & Vomiting, Headlice, Nappy rash, Sunburn and Warts/Verruca   

Pharmacies can also check your Blood Pressure. 


Think you have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)?

If you are a non pregnant, healthy female aged between 16-64 and have 2 of the following 5 key signs you dont have to see a GP, you can attend a pharmacy for treatment.

Dysuria (buring pain when passing urine), Nocturia (passing urine more often during the night), Urgency, Frequency, Visible heamaturia (blood in urine).

you can get treatment from some local pharmacies (Davidsons and Boots. Harry Hills and JHoots by September 2022) 



We want to improve access to our services, and we’d appreciate you taking the time to complete this brief survey to help us. This is the LINK to the survey    https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/W8RMRFB

To improve patient experience and access to the surgery we are having a new telephone system installed week beginning 6th May 2024. We do not expect this to cause any disruptions to our phone lines during the switch over period however, we ask if you could please be patient with staff as they familiarise themselves with the new system and equipment.

Thank you.






Thank you for your continued support.

Marsh House Medical Practice


The Practice


The Practice is committed to providing a high quality healthcare service for all patients registered here. Good health involves us working together.

We will treat you as an individual and respect your privacy and personal beliefs.

We are committed to providing easy access to the services required by you whatever your medical condition.


Practice News Updates


To improve patient experience and access to the surgery, we have recently had a new telephone system installed. The system has a queue function which many patients have requested in the past.

If you need to seek advice urgently please dial 111 / 999 as appropriate.



If you think you have COVID-19 or have tested positive, we kindly ask you to wear a face mask whilst in the health centre and advise a member of staff. This is to protect vulnerable patients and staff.


Flu Vaccines / Covid Boosters

This Autumn (2024) we will be offering Flu Vaccines and hopefully Covid Boosters to those patients who are eligable.

We are able to administer Vaccines from October this year and aim to have appoinements available to book from September.



Hormone replacement therapy can now be issued via a pre payment certificate. Please speak to your local pharmacy about this new scheme.


Cervical Smears

Are you female and aged between 25 and 64? If yes, Northern Cancer Alliance need your help!

They are interested to hear your views about cervical screening, why some people do not attend and to help them improve services available to people who live in the North-East and North Cumbria. It’ll only take a few minutes.

Please click the link to answer a few questions.  Thank you. 

Cervical Screening (Smear Test) Survey




Repeat Prescriptions 

PLEASE NOTE - From 1st Jan 2022 we are no longer taking repeat prescription orders over the phone. This is to help alleviate our very busy phone lines. You can order your prescriptions via online access or via the dedicated post box in the entrance foyer.


Call Recording

Please be aware calls to the surgery are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.


Patient Participation Group

We are always looking for new members to join our PPG.

Our next meeting will be looking at improving access. If you would like to join our Patient Participation Group or have any ideas please contact the surgery.


Appointment Data (Jan 2024 - June 2024) 

Appointments not attended = 1,179


Appointments Booked = Over 19,000 



Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Health Promotion Campaigns

Do you get a good nights sleep?


The mental health benefits of good sleep include boosting our mood, reducing stress and helping with anxiety.

If you're having trouble sleeping, knowing how to sleep better can make a big difference.

Find out more about ways to help you sleep, including sleep hygiene, and expert video advice from a professor of sleep medicine at the University of Oxford.



Looking after our Mental Health is very important.

Ways to do this include getting a good nights sleep, excersising regularly, eating and drinking healthily and taking time to do things we enjoy wether that be reading, knitting, socialising or having a soak in the bath.

There are many options available if you feel you are struggling with your mental health. You can talk to a friend or relative about how you are feeling. You can speak with a GP or can even see a counsellor. Did you know you can even self refer to a counselling service by visiting https://wecantalk.org

Its good to talk and there is always help available if you need it.




GP Accredited Armed Forces Veterans